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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Speaking Assesment - Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Are you in semester V of English Department? 
Have you taken a EPBI (Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris) subject?
or, You have been taking it?

Well, it just sharing, and I will not make sure that it will be 100% correct, I just share, and hopefully it may be such as a good comparison or another reference for you. The focus on my paper is about speaking, especially about Speaking Assessment, my general reference is Speaking Assessment Book, by Sari Louma, She has great book as reference. Well, let's read it. If you think, this is good, you may see the complete one on my Google docs. (the link will be inserted below the Chapter I)

I. Background
Among the macro skills of language, it has been widely recognized that speaking, particularly in a second or foreign language, is the most difficult language skill to assess. The various directions and foci in the testing of speaking abilities of learners frequently lack solid grounding on theory and pedagogy and reliable test designs (Pennington, 1999; Celce-Murcia, Brinton, & Goodwin, 1996). This is due, for the most part, to the difficult matching of the testing goals and the appropriate instruments and tasks for assessment. Speaking as a major construct for testing is likewise divided into different criteria with highly diverse applications. The testing of pronunciation (both segmentals and suprasegmentals), spoken grammar, spoken vocabulary, and even sociolinguistic applications of speech all fall into the construct of speaking but largely require discrete test designs and measures. This is a challenge for classroom teachers and researchers of learners' speaking abilities. Knowing what to test specifically and how to conduct the testing process require applicable theories and valid procedures that map out the direction of the assessment strategy. As a result, drawing upon applied linguistic theories on what is to be tested in speaking becomes essential for teachers and researchers. This paper attempts to provide these necessary theories, concepts, and issues in the assessment of speaking.

II. Problem
Based on the background above, the problems of this paper could be listed to several sentences below, they are:
1. What are speaking and its elements?
2. How to assess speaking students’ skill?

III. Purpose
The purposes of this paper could be derived into several statement, they are:
1. Knowing what the definition of speaking.
2. Knowing the steps in assessing speaking students’ skill.

Link for the paper:

Mentebah, 18th of February 2013
When the sun shine brightly............uhhhhhhhhh..


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